For further information or any question about the Picsart Creative site’s disclaimer, please feel free to contact us.

Disclaimer for Picsart APK

The content on the website: Picsart Creative ( is shared for general awareness. While we always try to provide reliable information, we cannot guarantee that provided details are 100% accurate or complete. So, any action you take based on content is your own responsibility.

External Links & Third-Party Content

Our website may feature links to external sites or services. Since we do not control their content, policies, or updates, ultimately, we cannot be held responsible for any risks associated with accessing third-party websites. Always proceed with caution when navigating external sources.

No Guarantees Provided

We do not assure you of the safety, functionality, or reliability of the available APK files. Downloading and installing MOD APKs is at your own risk. We are not liable for any damage to your device, loss of data, or security issues.


By accessing and using our website, you acknowledge and accept our disclaimer and its provisions.


We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer whenever necessary. Any updates will be reflected on this page.

Disclaimer for Picsart